Children Born in the UK To Non-British Citizens | UK Citizenship

Children born in the UK to non - british parents


Understanding the complexities of British citizenship for Children born in the UK to non-British parents is a crucial factor in the pending success of your application. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to break down the intricate web of UK citizenship laws, eligibility criteria, registration processes, and the impact of parents’ immigration status on their children’s citizenship rights. We aim to provide a clear and professional overview, beneficial for those seeking accurate and practical information.

UK citizenship laws define the criteria for acquiring British citizenship and the associated rights and responsibilities. For children born in the UK to non-British parents, these laws dictate eligibility and pathways to citizenship.

Key points:

  • Citizenship leads to rights and responsibilities.
  • Children born to non-British parents have specific and unique requirements.
  • Automatic citizenship depends on parents’ status.
  • Alternative routes, like the 10-year residence, exist.
  • Legal guidance from Primus is crucial.

UK citizenship laws are pivotal in determining citizenship for children born to non-British parents, emphasising the importance of legal pathways and expert assistance.


Eligibility Criteria for Children Born in the UK to Non – Nationals

The eligibility for British citizenship for children born in the UK to non-British citizens is not automatic, as in the UK the concept of ‘Jus soli’ is not permitted, as such several factors play a role in determining a child born in the UK to non-British parent’s citizenship eligibility, including the parents’ immigration status and length of residency in the UK.

Four key factors include:

  1. Parents’ Status: Eligibility is dependent on whether at least one parent holds British Citizenship or settled status in the UK at the time of the child’s birth, indicating their long-term lawful residency.
  2. Residency Duration: Typically, children born to non-British parents need their parents to have lived continuously in the UK for a specified period, often at least five years, prior to the child’s birth.
  3. Alternative Routes: If parents lack settled status, an alternative is the 10-year continuous residence route, which as detailed by Section 1(4) of the British Nationality Act 1981, requires a child’s first 10 years of life to be spent in the UK without having spent more than 90 days outside of the UK in each of their first 10 years. The 1981 Nationality act also mandates that only full days outside of the UK are counted, meaning the departure and arrival dates to and from the UK do not contribute to the 90 day limit.
  4. Documentation: Thorough documentation, such as ILR certificates and residence proof, is crucial to demonstrating citizenship eligibility.


Potential Pathways to Citizenship for Children born in the UK

There are various routes through which Children born in the UK to non – British Nationals can acquire citizenship. These include birth, naturalisation, and descent. Each pathway has its unique set of requirements and procedures.


Pathway to Citizenship Description
Birth Citizenship by birth is granted in specific circumstances.
Naturalisation Available under certain conditions, often for older children or adults.
Descent Citizenship can be passed down from a British parent.


For an in-depth understanding of each pathway that may be possible for you and your child, visit our personal immigration page for the various immigration routes Primus Provide.


British Citizenship by Birth – Does ‘Jus soli’ Principle Apply?

The principle of ‘jus soli’ (right of the soil) is not absolute in the UK. Children born in the UK to non-British parents do not automatically receive British citizenship. The main alternative rout in these scenarios is the 10-year route available to children who are 10 years or older and have continuously resided in the UK for the majority of their 10 years (haven’t left the UK for more than 90 days per year).

This part of the law is detailed and requires careful consideration, especially in complex immigration scenarios.

Registration Process for British Citizenship

The registration process for obtaining British citizenship for a child or Children born in the UK to non-British parents involves several steps including: providing evidence of the child’s birth in the UK and the parents’ immigration status. Essential documents typically include birth certificates, parents’ immigration documents, and proof of residency.

Here’s Our Outline Of the Application Process:

  • Step 1: Gather necessary documents (birth certificate, parents’ immigration status proof).
  • Step 2: Instruct Primus Solicitors to complete the relevant application forms necessary on your behalf.
  • Step 3: Submit the application along with the required fee.
  • Step 4: Attend an interview or citizenship ceremony, if applicable.

Impact of Parents’ Immigration Status

The immigration status of the parents significantly influences a child’s eligibility for British citizenship. Children born in the UK of parents with settled status, indefinite leave to remain, or permanent residency have a different set of criteria compared to those whose parents are on temporary visas or undocumented. Understanding these nuances is vital for your case.


Common Challenges In Citizenship Applications and Solutions Primus Can Provide

The path to British citizenship for Children born in the UK to non-British citizens presents various challenges. However, understanding the most common issues and their solutions can be immensely helpful.

  • Challenge: Lack of clarity on eligibility criteria needed for the application e.g., limited amount of needed documentation provided.
    • Solution: Seek professional legal advice for accurate and precise information.
  • Challenge: Complex application process.
    • Solution: Thorough preparation and attention to detail in application submissions.

For more insights into overcoming these challenges, you can call our Immigration Experts. – We’re Here To Help!


Super Priority and Fee Waiver Options

In the pursuit of British citizenship for children born in the UK to non-British parents, it’s essential to be aware of two valuable options that can expedite the process and alleviate financial burdens: the Super Priority Service and Fee Waivers.


Super Priority Service

The Super Priority Service, offered by the UK Home Office, is designed to accelerate the processing of certain immigration applications, including those related to British citizenship. This service comes at an additional cost but provides a significantly shorter turnaround time for application processing. Typically, applicants can expect a decision within 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays), which can be especially advantageous when seeking prompt resolution for a child’s citizenship application.

It’s important to note that the availability of the Super Priority Service may vary based on the specific type of application and the applicant’s location.


British Citizenship Fee Waivers

The UK Home Office also offers fee waivers for specific groups and circumstances. Fee waivers are intended to alleviate the financial burden of application fees for those who meet certain criteria.

While eligibility for fee waivers is typically determined on a case-by-case basis, individuals and families facing financial hardship or exceptional circumstances may be eligible for a fee waiver. These waivers can cover a portion or the entirety of the application fees, making British citizenship more accessible to those who may otherwise struggle with the cost.



Understanding British citizenship laws for Children born in the UK to non-British parents is a complex but essential task. By familiarising yourself with the eligibility criteria, pathways to citizenship, and common challenges, parents can navigate this process more effectively.

Our Immigration Experts are just one Call Away – Contact Primus Solicitors Today for to help you through this process and ensure a successful outcome for your citizenship application.

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