UK Family Law Injunctions | Non-Molestation & Occupation Orders



Injunctions are vital legal tools designed to safeguard victims of abuse. These court orders play a crucial role in preventing further harm and ensuring the safety of those impacted by abusive behaviours. In this article, we delve into the specifics of injunctions, highlighting their significance in offering protection and peace of mind to victims and their families. Understanding the nuances of injunctions can empower individuals to take decisive steps towards securing their well-being and safety.

Injunctions – Protecting Victims from Abusers

Key Takeaways

 Key Points
Non-Molestation Order Non-Molestation Order: Prevents violence, harassment, intimidation. Occupation Order: Directs abuser to leave shared home.
Eligibility for Injunctions Non-Molestation Order: Available to domestic violence victims, family members, and guardians. Occupation Order: Applicable to those with shared residence or cohabitation.
Application Process The Process involves completing an application form and a supporting statement. Legal aid and fee waivers are available.
Duration of Injunctions Non-Molestation Order typically lasts 6-12 months, extendable. Occupation Order is usually shorter, around 6 months.
Post-Application Procedures Notice of Court Hearing outlines hearing details. Court hearings are private to protect victim confidentiality.

Non-Molestation Orders

A non-molestation order is in place to keep you and your children safe. It prevents your partner or a family member from molesting, interfere with, or harassing you or your children in any way, including physical assault and verbal abuse. This order can also extend to anyone influenced by the person committing violence, preventing them from pestering, or being violent towards you or your children.

Actions Prohibited Under Non-Molestation Order

  • Physical violence
  • Threats and harassment
  • Intimidation and coercive behaviour
  • Direct or indirect contact deemed harmful.


What Is an Occupation Order?

Occupation orders, are a legally bound instruction that determine who should live in your home in the short term, when there’s been an act of violence or harassment. 

What Does an Occupation Order Do?

  • Directs abuser to leave the shared residence.
  • Prevents abuser from entering or coming near the home.
  • Determines temporary residential rights during legal proceedings.

Eligibility for Different Types of Injunctions

Non-Molestation Order

Eligibility for a non-molestation order extends to a wide range of individuals affected by domestic violence. This includes direct victims, family members of the abuser, and those with parental responsibilities. Importantly, these orders are applicable to all, irrespective of gender or age, ensuring equal access to legal protection.

Eligibility Criteria for Non-Molestation Order

  • Direct victims of domestic abuse
  • Family members or relatives of the abuser
  • Individuals with legal parental responsibilities

Occupation Order

The criteria for obtaining occupation orders can be case specific, targeting individuals in certain living situations with their abuser. This includes those who share ownership of their residence or live in cohabitation with the abusive partner. These requirements are designed to address the unique challenges faced in domestic abuse scenarios within shared living spaces.

Requirements for Occupation Order

  • Shared ownership or rental agreement of residence
  • Cohabitation with the abuser
  • Evidence of domestic abuse within the shared living space
injunctions infographic

Application Process for Injunctions 

Official Procedure for Seeking Injunctions

Applying for an injunction involves a clear and structured legal process. The first step is to complete the correct and relevant application form, followed by preparing a supporting statement detailing the circumstances and need for protection. This statement is a critical component, as it provides the court with the necessary context and evidence to make an informed decision.

Steps in the Application Process

  1. Filling out the Application Form: At Primus Solicitors, our injunction experts will complete the correct application in relation to your specific case circumstances.
  2. Preparing a Supporting Statement: When you provide your statement with your Solicitor or case worker, you will need to provide a detailed account of the abusive behaviour, its impact, and the need for protection.

Legal representation from our experts at Primus can significantly enhance the applications likelihood of approval. Our experienced family law solicitors can offer guidance, ensuring that the application is thorough and compelling.

We can also assist in breaking down the complexities of injunctions and other intricate family related cases, providing valuable support and expertise.

Duration of Injunctions

Duration of Non-Molestation Order

A non-molestation order typically has a duration of 6 to 12 months. However, the court holds the discretion to extend this period if it’s deemed necessary for the ongoing protection of the victim. This flexibility ensures that the order remains effective and relevant to the evolving needs of the individual it protects.

Average Duration and Extensions

  • Standard Duration: 6 to 12 months.
  • Extension Possibility: Based on continued risk assessment and need for protection.

Duration of Occupation Order

Occupation orders are generally granted for a shorter duration, around 6 months. This timeframe is subject to the court’s discretion and can be adjusted based on the specific circumstances of the case, such as the severity of the abuse or the living arrangements of the parties involved.

Determining the Duration

  • Typical Duration: Approximately 6 months.
  • Adjustments by Court: Tailored to case specifics and victim’s needs.

Post-Application Procedures

Notice of Court Hearing

Once an injunction application is submitted, the court issues a Notice of Proceedings. This document informs the applicant of the scheduled hearing date and time. It’s crucial for the applicant to prepare for this hearing, as it’s an opportunity to present their case in more detail and answer any questions the court may have.

Receiving the Notice and Preparing for the Hearing

  • Notice of Proceedings: Details the hearing schedule.
  • Preparation for Court: Gathering evidence, rehearsing statements, and liaising with legal counsel.

Another important step is serving the application documents on the respondent, the individual against whom the injunction is sought. This ensures that the respondent is aware of the allegations and has an opportunity to respond.

Privacy of Court Proceedings

Injunction hearings are conducted in private to protect the privacy of the victim and their family. This confidentiality is vital in sensitive cases involving domestic abuse, as it helps maintain the dignity and safety of those involved.

Private Hearings and Final Orders

  • Confidential Proceedings: To safeguard the privacy of victims.
  • Issuance of Final Order: Outlines specific restrictions on the respondent and the duration of the injunction.

Encouraging Legal Action and Guidance

  • Seeking Legal Advice: It is vital to understand the injunction process, our solicitors can provide you with expert guidance. 
  • Utilising Injunctive Solutions: We at Primus, encourage victims to take proactive steps in safeguarding their safety and well-being.

In conclusion, it’s imperative for individuals experiencing abuse to understand their legal options and seek the necessary guidance to utilise these protective measures effectively. Injunctions can offer a pathway to safety and stability, and accessing them should be a priority for anyone facing abusive situations.


Injunctions serve as essential legal safeguards, providing protection and peace of mind to victims of abuse. They are crucial instruments in the legal arsenal against domestic violence, harassment, and intimidation. In this article we have explored the different types of injunctions, their application processes, and the significant role they play in protecting individuals and families from harm.

If you or someone you know is in need of a Non-Molestation, or occupation order , Don’t hesitate to contact our Family law Team!

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