Cosmetic Surgery Claims: Seeking Compensation for Malpractice | Apply Today with Primus Solicitors

Cosmetic Surgery Claim

Table of Contents

Cosmetic surgery claim..

Common Types of Cosmetic Surgery Injuries.

Eligibility Criteria for Cosmetic Surgery Claim..

Types of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures.

Required Evidence for a Cosmetic Surgery Claim..

Compensation for Cosmetic Surgery Injury Claim..

Time Limits for Making a Cosmetic Surgery Injury Compensation Claim..

Get in Touch with Us.


Cosmetic surgery claim

If you have been a victim of medical negligence during cosmetic surgery, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. At Primus Solicitors, our specialist medical negligence solicitors can help you make a claim, with our no-win no fee service ensuring that you won’t have to pay a penny if we don’t win your case.


Common Types of Cosmetic Surgery Injuries

Although most cosmetic surgery procedures go smoothly, there are occasions when things can go wrong. Some common types of cosmetic surgery injuries that may lead to a compensation claim include physical injuries such as scarring or burns, allergic reactions to medication, and psychological injuries such as anxiety and distress.


Eligibility Criteria for Cosmetic Surgery Claim

To be eligible for a cosmetic surgery claim, you must have suffered due to negligent plastic surgery. We will establish that the medical professional owed you a legal duty of care, which they breached by failing to meet the required standards, resulting in your injury.


Types of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Some examples of cosmetic surgery procedures where you could suffer injuries due to negligence include eyelid surgery, facelifts, laser skin resurfacing, nose reshaping, tummy tucks, cosmetic dentistry, and Botox injections.


Required Evidence for a Cosmetic Surgery Claim

When making a cosmetic surgery negligence claim, it’s essential to provide supporting documents, such as photographs of visible injuries, witness statements, a complaint report to the company that performed your surgery, medical reports, and records of financial losses.


Compensation for Cosmetic Surgery Injury Claim

The compensation you may receive for your cosmetic surgery injury claim depends on the severity of your injuries. General damages, which compensate for the pain and suffering you experienced, can range from £1,710 to £30,090 for minor to significant facial scarring, £2,370 to £22,730 for varying degrees of scarring on the body, and £1,540 to £19,070 for less severe psychological injury to moderate psychiatric damage. Special damages cover financial losses such as loss of earnings, extra medical expenses, and travel expenses.


Time Limits for Making a Cosmetic Surgery Injury Compensation Claim

You usually have three years from the date of the negligence or the date you became aware of your injuries to make a claim. However, children have until their 21st birthday to make a claim if the negligence occurred before they turned 18.


Get in Touch with Us

Hire our specialist immigration lawyers to help you through this process and ensure a successful outcome for your cosmetic surgery Claim application. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your personal injury matter.

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