Family Law Solicitors & Services | An All in 1 Guide

family law solicitors

Table Of Contents

Family Law Solicitors and Services in Manchester & Greater Manchester.

Family Law Simplified

Navigating Divorce: What You Need to Know.

What are examples of Grounds for Divorce?

How Long Do Proceedings Take?

Do You Need to Go to Court?

Child Custody and Support Laws in England and Wales

The Importance of Pre-Nuptial and Cohabitation Agreements

Financial Settlements in Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide

Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution: An Alternative to Litigation

Division of Matrimonial Assets: How It Works

Assessment of Matrimonial Assets

Financial Needs and Responsibilities

Child Arrangements: Making the Best Decisions for Your Children

Adoption and Surrogacy: Legal Aspects in the UK

Domestic Violence: Legal Protection and Support

What is Domestic Violence?

What Legal Protection Can Primus Offer Against Domestic Violence?

Unmarried Couples: Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Mediation vs. Litigation: Choosing the Right Path

The Benefits of Legal Consultation in Family Law Matters


Family Law Solicitors and Services in Manchester & Greater Manchester


Complete Guide

When facing family-related legal matters, seeking guidance and support from experienced family law solicitors is crucial. Primus Solicitors offers a dedicated team of family law experts in Greater Manchester and Manchester to assist you. This comprehensive guide will delve into various aspects of family law, including divorce, child arrangements, pre-nuptial agreements, and more. Whether you are seeking a family law solicitor or simply looking to understand the intricacies of family law, this guide is your go-to resource.


Family Law Simplified

Family law is a diverse and intricate branch of law that deals with legal matters concerning family relationships, responsibilities, and disputes. Whether you are going through a difficult divorce, seeking custody of your children, or facing issues related to domestic violence, family law solicitors are here to provide guidance and support. At Primus Solicitors, we have a team of dedicated family law experts with a wealth of experience to assist you through these challenging times.


Navigating Divorce: What You Need to Know

Divorce can be emotionally challenging and legally complex. We guide the divorce process, including the grounds for divorce, the duration of proceedings, and the likelihood of court involvement.

What are examples of Grounds for Divorce?

In England and Wales, divorce can be sought on various grounds, including adultery, unreasonable behaviour, separation, and more. We will help you understand the options available, and which one may apply to your situation.

How Long Do Proceedings Take?

The duration of divorce proceedings can vary, typically from six months to two years; however, this is subject to the case’s complexity. Once appointed, our family law solicitors will provide a much more realistic timeline based on your specific circumstances.

Do You Need to Go to Court?

While divorces often proceed without court involvement, some cases may require legal proceedings. Once appointed, we will assess your situation and discuss the possibility of court action, ensuring you are well-prepared for any scenario.



Child Custody and Support Laws in England and Wales

When children are involved in a divorce, custody and financial support matters become paramount. This section explains the legal aspects of child custody, access arrangements, and financial maintenance.


The Importance of Pre-Nuptial and Cohabitation Agreements

Pre-nuptial and cohabitation agreements can protect assets acquired before marriage or cohabitation. Once appointed into service for you, our family law solicitors will detail the differences between these agreements and the legal prerequisites for their validity in

Asset Protection: These agreements allow individuals to protect assets acquired before marriage or cohabitation, ensuring they remain separate property.

Legal Prerequisites: We will detail the legal prerequisites for these agreements, emphasising their validity when properly executed.


Financial Settlements in Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide

Financial settlements during divorce can be complex, especially in high-net-worth cases. Our family law solicitors are experts in evaluating assets, including business assets, pensions, and properties.


Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution: An Alternative to Litigation

Litigation is not always necessary in family law cases. Our Family law experts can offer alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation, negotiation, arbitration, and collaboration, which can save time and reduce acrimony.


Division of Matrimonial Assets: How It Works

Our Family Law Solicitors will provide a detailed explanation of how matrimonial assets are divided during divorce or civil partnership dissolution, considering factors like assets, financial needs, earning capacity, and marriage duration.


Assessment of Matrimonial Assets

The starting point in dividing matrimonial assets is to identify and assess all assets owned by both spouses. These assets can include:

  1. Property: This includes the marital home, other real estate, and investment properties.
  2. Financial Assets: Bank accounts, savings, investments, and stocks and shares fall into this category.
  3. Business Interests: If either spouse owns or has shares in a business, its value is considered part of the marital assets.
  4. Pensions: Both private and workplace pensions are considered assets that require evaluation.
  5. Personal Possessions: This includes cars, art, jewellery, and other valuable personal items.


Financial Needs and Responsibilities

Once the assets are identified, the next step is for you and your family law solicitors to consider the financial needs and responsibilities of both parties. Factors that influence this assessment include:

  1. Income: Each spouse’s current and potential income is evaluated, considering their employment status and future earning capacity.
  2. Financial Obligations: This includes existing debts, mortgage payments, and any financial responsibilities towards children or other dependents.
  3. Standard of Living: The court aims to ensure that both parties can maintain a reasonable standard of living post-divorce, similar to what they enjoyed during the marriage.

In summary, the division of matrimonial assets during divorce or civil partnership dissolution is a complex process that considers various factors, including assets, financial needs, earning capacity, the duration of the marriage, contributions, and the well-being of dependent children. Our family law solicitors ultimate aim is to ensure a fair and equitable outcome for both parties while also promoting a smoother transition into their post-divorce lives.



Child Arrangements: Making the Best Decisions for Your Children

Child arrangements can be emotionally challenging, but we explore peaceful solutions through mediation, negotiation, and court orders for custody, access, and maintenance.


Domestic Violence: Legal Protection and Support

Domestic violence is a profoundly distressing and concerning issue that affects countless individuals and families across the UK. Understanding the legal aspects surrounding domestic violence is essential to ensure your safety and seek appropriate support.


What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, refers to a pattern of abusive behaviour by one partner or family member towards another within a domestic setting. It can manifest in various forms, including physical violence, emotional abuse, psychological coercion, financial control, and sexual abuse. Domestic violence can happen within intimate relationships, marriages, or even among family members, as such, appointing our family law solicitors is paramount in ensuring your safety.


What Legal Protection Can Primus Offer Against Domestic Violence?

The law in the UK takes domestic violence seriously and provides legal protection to victims.

When you reach out to us, our family law solicitors can help you:

  1. Obtain Protective Orders
  2. Offer Confidential Consultations
  3. Liaise with Authorities
  4. Provide Resources and Support


Unmarried Couples: Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Couples who choose not to marry still have legal rights and responsibilities. Learn about cohabitation agreements and the legal aspects of unmarried relationships.


Mediation vs. Litigation: Choosing the Right Path

When disputes arise, selecting the most suitable resolution method is essential. This section aims to clarify the key differences between mediation, negotiation, arbitration, collaboration, and litigation, providing insight into the various options available to individuals facing family-related conflicts and how Primus’ family law solicitors can aid in choosing the correct path for you.


Mediation is a process that encourages open and constructive communication between parties in conflict, facilitated by a neutral mediator. Here is how it works:

  1. Neutral Third Party: A trained mediator acts as a neutral third party, guiding discussions and ensuring a respectful exchange of ideas.
  2. Voluntary Participation: Mediation is entirely voluntary, and both parties must agree to participate. It fosters an environment where each party has an equal say.
  3. Collaborative Problem-Solving: The goal of mediation is to reach a mutually agreeable solution. It often results in more amicable resolutions, particularly in family law matters such as child custody and division of assets.
  4. Confidentiality: Mediation sessions are confidential, fostering an environment where sensitive issues can be discussed openly.
  5. Cost-Effective and Timely: Mediation is generally less costly and time-consuming than litigation, making it an attractive option for many families.


Litigation is the traditional method of resolving disputes through aid of family law solicitors AND the court system

  1. Formal Proceedings: Litigation involves formal legal proceedings, including the presentation of evidence and legal arguments.
  2. Judge’s Decision: In litigation, a judge renders a binding decision, which both parties must follow.
  3. Costly and Time-Consuming: Litigation can be expensive and time-consuming, often resulting in adversarial proceedings.
  4. Public Record: Court proceedings are a matter of public record, potentially affecting privacy.


Choosing the Right Path

Selecting the appropriate method for resolving family disputes depends on the specific circumstances and the parties involved. Factors to consider include:

  • The nature and complexity of the dispute.
  • The level of cooperation between parties.
  • The desire for privacy and confidentiality.
  • The urgency of resolution.
  • The financial resources available for the process.



The Benefits of Legal Consultation in Family Law Matters

Understanding family law is essential because it empowers you to make informed decisions during life’s most challenging moments. When you clearly grasp your rights and obligations under family law, you can confidently navigate complex situations.

Our role at Primus Solicitors is to provide legal counsel and ensure that you comprehend the implications of every step in your family law journey. Our family law solicitors strive to simplify legal jargon and provide you with the knowledge needed to make well-informed choices.

You can access a team of experts dedicated to your case by choosing us as your family law solicitors. We are here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide the support you need to resolve your family law matter positively.



We understand that family law matters can be both emotionally and legally complex. Our dedicated team of family law solicitors at Primus Solicitors is here to provide you with the support and guidance you need during these challenging times. Whether you have questions about divorce, child custody, financial settlements, or any other family-related legal concerns, we’re ready to assist you.


Get in touch with us today by clicking the button below or using the contact information provided.

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We offer confidential consultations and personalised legal advice to address your specific situation. Let us help you navigate the complexities of family law and work towards a

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