Compensation Claims Against the Council for Injuries: Seeking Justice and Financial Recovery | Apply with Primus Today

Claims Against the Council

Table of Contents

Compensation Claims Against the Council for Injuries.

Areas for Which Councils Are Responsible.

Councils are responsible for maintaining a range of areas, including.

No Win No Fee Solicitors in Manchester.

Eligibility Criteria for Claims Against the Council

Before we take on your claim, we will check whether:

Common Types of Accident Claims Against the Council

Some common types of accident claims against the council include:

Documents and Evidence Required for a Claim.

Average Payout for a Claim Against the Council

The amount you receive depends on the severity of your injuries:

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Compensation Claims Against the Council for Injuries

Councils and local authorities are responsible for maintaining their property and ensuring public safety. If they fail to do so and you suffer an injury as a result, you may be entitled to make a compensation claim. This guide provides an overview of compensation claims against councils and the eligibility criteria for such claims.


Areas for Which Councils Are Responsible

Councils are responsible for maintaining a range of areas, including:

  • Roads and highways
  • Public parks
  • Public transport
  • Schools
  • Waste disposal
  • Sports and leisure facilities


No Win No Fee Solicitors in Manchester

As experienced personal injury solicitors in Manchester, we handle most of our personal injury compensation cases on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that you won’t have to pay any legal costs if you don’t win your claim.


Eligibility Criteria for Claims Against the Council

Before we take on your claim, we will check whether:

  • The council had a duty of care, which they breached through negligence.
  • An accident occurred as a result of this negligence.
  • You suffered an injury during this accident.


Common Types of Accident Claims Against the Council

Some common types of accident claims against the council include:

  • Tripping on a pavement or other defect on a public road where the defect is deeper or higher than 1 inch.
  • An accident in a public playground or park due to inadequate maintenance of equipment
  • Workplace accidents for council employees where suitable protective equipment wasn’t provided.
  • Injuries suffered by tenants in council houses due to inadequate wiring or maintenance. Where a passenger in a vehicle suffers injuries due to the council’s failure to grit icy roads


Documents and Evidence Required for a Claim

Following the accident, it’s vital to provide evidence to show how it occurred, what injuries were sustained, and who was to blame. You can do this by taking photos of the incident location and the cause of the accident. If the accident was caught on CCTV, you can also request a copy of the tape to help us manage your claim efficiently.

It’s also helpful to obtain the contact details of any witnesses, photos of your injuries, and a medical report from where you received medical treatment. This will enable us to prove the extent of your injuries and help you get the compensation you deserve.


Average Payout for a Claim Against the Council

The compensation for council accident claims is usually split into two types of damages.

The amount you receive depends on the severity of your injuries:

  • General damages, which compensate you for pain and suffering experienced due to negligence.
  • Special damages, compensate you for financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical expenses, home modifications, and travel expenses associated with your medical care.

If you have suffered an injury due to the council’s negligence, you may be entitled to make a compensation claim. At Primus Solicitors, we are specialist medical negligence solicitors, and our medical negligence experts can help you with your medical negligence claim. As medical negligence specialists and clinical negligence solicitors, we are well-versed and experienced in any and all types of medical negligence claims.


Get in Touch with Us

Hire our specialist immigration lawyers to help you through this process and ensure a successful outcome for your compensation claim against the council application. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your personal injury matter.

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