Scaffolding Accident Compensation Claims: How to Claim compensation and What to Expect during the legal process- Apply Today

Scaffolding Accident

Table of Contents

Scaffolding Accident Compensation Claims: How to Claim and What to Expect.

Common Causes of Scaffolding Accidents.

No Win No Fee Solicitors in Manchester.

Eligibility Criteria for Scaffolding Accident Claims.

Common Injuries in Scaffolding Accidents.

Documents and Evidence Needed for Scaffolding Accident Claim..

How Long Will It Take to Make a Scaffolding Accident Compensation Claim?.

Get in Touch with Us.


Scaffolding Accident Compensation Claims: How to Claim and What to Expect

Scaffolding accidents can result in serious injuries for workers and the public, which may have a long-term impact on their lives. This article explains how to claim compensation for accidents involving scaffolding, due to employer negligence or other reasons, and what to expect during the claims process.


Common Causes of Scaffolding Accidents

Accidents involving a scaffolding can occur due to various reasons, including employer negligence in maintaining safety precautions, scaffolding defects or incorrect set-up, inadequate protective equipment, or working in dangerous weather conditions.


No Win No Fee Solicitors in Manchester

Primus Solicitors is one of the best medical negligence law firms in the UK, and we handle personal injury compensation cases on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that if your claim is unsuccessful, you won’t have to pay any legal costs.


Eligibility Criteria for Scaffolding Accident Claims

To be eligible for a compensation claim, we must establish that the employer owed you a duty of care, and due to their negligence, that duty was broken, resulting in a accident whilst operating on a scaffolding site, that caused you injuries.


Common Injuries in Scaffolding Accidents

Accidents whilst on a scaffolding site can result in various injuries, including soft tissue injuries, head injuries, broken bones, and psychological injuries.


Documents and Evidence Needed for Scaffolding Accident Claim

To strengthen your compensation claim, it is advisable to collect evidence such as CCTV footage, take pictures of the accident scene, and gather witness statements from colleagues. Employers are legally required to record and report accidents in the workplace, so it’s important to provide us with a copy of this report. It’s also important to visit a medical professional for a diagnosis of your injuries, as the report provided will be useful in gaining compensation for your condition.


Average Payout for a Scaffolding Accident Claim

Compensation for scaffolding induced accident claims is usually split into two types of damages:

General damages for pain and suffering and Special damages for financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical expenses, and travel expenses.


How Long Will It Take to Make a Scaffolding Accident Compensation Claim?

Most people have three years to make a accident compensation claim. However, the length of time it takes to settle the claim depends on individual circumstances and whether the employer admits responsibility. If the employer doesn’t admit fault, the negotiation process can be lengthy and may require going to court.

If you have suffered injuries in a scaffolding related accident due to employer negligence or other reasons, Primus Solicitors’ specialist medical negligence solicitors can help you make a compensation claim. Contact us today for assistance with your claim.


Get in Touch with Us

Hire our specialist immigration lawyer to help you through this process and ensure a successful outcome for your scaffolding related accident compensation claim application. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your personal injury matter.

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