UK Standard Visitor Visa | Expert UK Legal Advice

UK Standard Visitor Visa

Table Of Contents

UK Standard Visitor Visa.

What is the UK Standard Visitor Visa?

What You Can Do on the UK Standard Visitor Visa.

What You Cannot Do on the UK Standard Visitor Visa.

Eligibility Criteria & Requirements for the UK Standard Visitor Visa.

Document Checklist for Your Visa Application.

UK Tourist Visa Processing Time.

Addressing UK Visit Visa Refusals.

Standard Visitor Visa application fees.

Why Choose Primus for Your UK Standard Visitor Visa?


UK Standard Visitor Visa

The UK Standard Visitor Visa, also known as the UK tourist visa, offers an opportunity for foreign nationals to visit the UK for tourism, business, study, and other approved activities within the UK for a short period, typically up to 6 months. 

Before submitting your UK tourist visa application, we strongly advise verifying whether you need a UK visitor visa via the Home Office website, as it may not be necessary depending on your nationality. You can accomplish this by visiting the Home Office website. 


What is the UK Standard Visitor Visa?

The UK Standard Visitor Visa, also commonly known as the UK tourist visa, permits foreign nationals to enter the United Kingdom temporarily for various purposes. It is designed to facilitate visits for tourism, leisure, family reunions, short-term business activities, and medical treatment, among other approved activities. 

This visa category offers individuals the opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage, conduct business meetings, visit family and friends, or seek necessary medical care within the UK.


What You Can Do on the UK Standard Visitor Visa

  1. Tourism: You can use the Standard Visitor Visa to embark on a delightful journey of exploration, visiting historical landmarks, enjoying scenic beauty, and immersing yourself in the cultural experiences that the UK has to offer.
  2. Visiting Family and Friends: This visa allows you to reunite with loved ones living in the UK, spend quality time together, and create lasting memories.
  3. Short-term Business Activities: The Standard Visitor Visa permits you to engage in short-term business activities such as attending meetings, conferences, or job interviews fostering international business relationships.
  4. Medical Treatment: Individuals needing medical treatment can travel to the UK for healthcare services under this visa category, ensuring access to quality medical care when necessary.
  5. Participating in Recreational Courses: You also have the option to enrol in recreational courses or workshops of up to 30 days’ duration, enhancing your skills or pursuing personal interests.
  6. Study: If you plan to undertake short courses, school exchange programs, or exams in the UK for up to 6 months, the Standard Visitor Visa allows you to do so.
  7. Complete a Placement: Academic, senior doctor or dentist placements are permitted under this visa, providing opportunities for professional development.



What You Cannot Do on the UK Standard Visitor Visa

  1. Paid or Unpaid Work: You are not allowed to engage in any form of paid or unpaid work during your stay in the UK while holding a Standard Visitor Visa.
  2. Access Public Funds: You cannot access public funds or government benefits during your visit.
  3. Frequent Successive Visits: Using the Standard Visitor Visa to live in the UK by making frequent successive visits is not permitted. The visa is intended for temporary holidays only.
  4. Marriage or Civil Partnership: If you plan to get married or enter into a civil partnership in the UK, give notice of marriage, or civil partnership, you must apply for a specific Marriage Visitor visa.

In summary, the UK Standard Visitor Visa offers a broad range of opportunities for temporary visits to the UK, making it accessible for tourism, business, personal enrichment, and medical care. However, it’s crucial to adhere to the visa’s terms and restrictions to ensure a lawful and enjoyable visit.


Eligibility Criteria & Requirements for the UK Standard Visitor Visa

Before you start the application process, it’s essential to ensure you meet the fundamental eligibility criteria:

  • Genuine Intent to Depart: You must demonstrate a sincere intention to leave the UK when your visit concludes. You will need to show a sincere intent to leave the UK after your visit, as it is crucial to prove strong ties to your home country, ensuring your return there at the end of your UK stay.
  • Financial Capacity: You should have the financial means to support yourself and any dependents throughout your stay.
  • Covering Expenses: You must be able to cover the costs of your return journey or onward travel.
  • Temporary Stay: Your visit should only be temporary, and you should not intend to establish long-term residency or make the UK your primary place of residence.

Additional eligibility requirements may apply, depending on the specifics of your visit. For personalised eligibility guidance, our experts at Primus Solicitors are here to assist you.


Document Checklist for Your Visa Application

When applying for the UK Standard Visitor Visa, it’s crucial to compile the necessary documents:

  • Valid Passport: Ensure that your passport is currently valid.
  • Travel Plans: Include details of your planned travel dates to and from the UK.
  • Accommodation Information: Provide specifics about where you will stay during your visit.
  • Estimated Costs: Prepare an estimate of the expenses you expect to incur during your stay.
  • Address History: Share information about your current address and the duration of your residence there.
  • Parental Details: Provide your parents’ names and dates of birth if known.
  • Income Information: Include details of your annual income, if applicable.
  • Criminal and Immigration History: Disclose any criminal, civil, or immigration offenses you may have committed.

Additional documents may be required based on your individual circumstances, such as your travel history or tuberculosis test results.


UK Tourist Visa Processing Time

Typically, UK Standard Visitor Visa applications, along with all the required documents, take approximately 3 weeks to process when submitted online. However, please note that the current average processing time for Standard Visitor visas is around 6 weeks.


Addressing UK Visit Visa Refusals

If your UK Visitor visa application faces refusal, this doesn’t mean that you cannot still gain a UK tourist visa. Our experienced team of immigration experts at Primus Solicitors can help you challenge a refusal using the Pre-Action Protocol (PAP) and, if necessary, by filing a Judicial Review application in the Upper Tribunal.

If your UK tourist visa application is refused, you still have viable options, like appealing or submitting a fresh submission; however, to conduct these processes, the presence of an immigration lawyer is essential.

At Primus, we have a proven track record of successfully overturning many visitor visa refusals, with the Home Office legally obliged to respond within 14 days of PAP submission.


Standard Visitor Visa application fees

Understanding the visa fees is crucial for planning your journey. The Home Office charges £100 for a 6-month Standard Visitor visa. If you anticipate frequent visits to the UK or have specific reasons for your visit, long-term Standard Visitor visas are available, each with its own fee structure:

  • **Standard Visitor visa for medical reasons: £200 for 11 months
  • **Standard Visitor visa for academics: £200 for 12 months
  • **2-year long-term Standard Visitor visa: £376 for 6 months per visit
  • **5-year long-term Standard Visitor visa: £670 for 6 months per visit
  • **10-year long-term Standard Visitor visa: £837 for 6 months per visit

Please note that the application fee is non-refundable, even if you receive a shorter visa or face refusal.


Why Choose Primus for Your UK Standard Visitor Visa?

At Primus Solicitors, we are your dedicated partner in securing a UK Standard Visitor Visa. Our team’s wealth of expertise and extensive experience in immigration matters ensures that your application is in the hands of professionals who understand the intricacies of the process. 

Our commitment to providing personalised guidance tailored specifically to your unique circumstances sets us apart. With a proven track record of successfully challenging visa refusals, we offer hope and solutions even in the face of setbacks. We prioritise efficiency, transparent communication, and cost-effective services, always keeping your satisfaction as our ultimate goal. 

When you choose Primus, you select a trusted ally who will navigate the complexities of the visa application process with you, making your dream of visiting the UK a reality.


Contact Primus Solicitors for Your UK Standard Visitor Visa

Are you ready to embark on a journey to the United Kingdom for tourism, business, or personal enrichment? Ensure your visa application process is smooth and successful by reaching out to the experts at Primus Solicitors.

Our dedicated team of immigration specialists is here to guide you through the intricacies of the UK Standard Visitor Visa application. Whether you have questions about eligibility, need assistance with documentation, or have faced a visa refusal in the past, we have the knowledge and experience to assist you.

Click here to contact Primus Solicitors now for personalised guidance and support in securing your UK Standard Visitor Visa.

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