How The New 2024 Immigration Rules Affect Britons & UK Businesses

2024 rules change

Introduction: A Shift in UK Immigration Rules 2024 

Recent announcements from the Home Secretary, James Cleverly, mark a significant shift in the UK’s immigration landscape. On December 4, 2023, a plan was unveiled aimed at reducing migration levels and addressing alleged abuses within the system. This article delves into the implications of these changes, particularly for British citizens, businesses, and their non-British/settled partners and families. Details on the overall changes.

The changes, poised to affect around 300,000 people who could have entered the UK under previous rules, introduce stringent measures. These include higher financial requirements for sponsoring overseas workers and family members, and alterations in skilled worker visa criteria. Understanding these shifts is vital for anyone navigating the UK immigration system.

Impact on Family and Spouse Visas 

The newly announced immigration policies significantly alter the landscape for family and spouse visas in the UK. For British or settled persons wishing to sponsor a non-British/settled partner, the financial bar has been raised substantially. Starting from the upcoming spring, the minimum income requirement to sponsor a partner will surge to £38,700, a dramatic increase from the current £18,600. This change not only makes family reunification more challenging but also places a heavier financial burden on existing families. Read more about family visa services and spouse visa changes.

Financial Requirements for Sponsoring Children 

The current rules necessitate an additional ÂŁ3,800 in income for sponsoring the first dependent child, plus ÂŁ2,400 for each subsequent child. With the impending changes, these amounts are expected to rise, although specific figures are yet to be confirmed. This escalation in financial requirements could lead to a significant number of families being unable to meet the criteria, potentially leading to a rise in human rights-based applications and appeals.

Potential Impact on Families 

This steep increase in financial requirements could disproportionately affect families living outside of London, where average salaries are generally lower. The changes are likely to have a more pronounced impact on women, especially those with caregiving responsibilities or those working part-time, as they might find it more challenging to meet the new threshold for sponsoring their partner.

UK rule change 2024

2024 Rule Changes Affecting UK Skilled Worker Visas 

The new policies introduce a nearly 50% increase in the salary threshold for Skilled Worker visas, from the current £26,200 to £38,700. This substantial raise aims to redirect businesses towards hiring British talent and reduce dependency on migrant labour. However, it could potentially exclude many skilled roles, especially those at the lower end of the pay scale, thereby exacerbating existing labour shortages in various sectors. Learn more about the skilled worker visa and sponsor licence application.

Implications for Businesses 

British companies relying on skilled workers from overseas will face new challenges due to these increased salary requirements. The changes might lead to difficulties in filling roles that are essential but do not command high salaries. This could impact sectors like healthcare, engineering, and technology, where skilled migrants play a crucial role.

Shortage Occupation List and Immigration Salary List 

The government’s decision to replace the Shortage Occupation List with an Immigration Salary List is a significant policy shift. While details of how this list will function remain unclear, the move signals a tightening of rules around skilled labour migration. It remains to be seen how this will impact industries that currently rely on the Shortage Occupation List to fill critical roles.

Students and Health Care Worker Visa Changes Under New Immigration Rules 

Students Facing New Restrictions Under the updated immigration policies, the UK government has significantly restricted the rights of students, particularly regarding family reunification. Starting from the next academic year, students will only be allowed to bring their partners and children if they are enrolled in postgraduate research courses. This policy marks a departure from the previous rules, which were more lenient in allowing students to bring their dependants. Further information on the new rules for international students.

Implications for International Students This change is poised to impact the attractiveness of the UK as a study destination for international students, especially those with families. While it may not drastically reduce the number of students, it could shift the demographics of those who choose to study in the UK, potentially affecting the diversity and cultural richness of university communities.

Health and Care Worker Visa Revisions 

The government’s revisions to the Health and Care visa route introduce additional challenges for overseas healthcare professionals. One of the key changes is the prohibition of overseas care workers from bringing their dependants to the UK. Furthermore, care providers in England will now be restricted to sponsoring migrant workers only for activities regulated by the Care Quality Commission.

Impact on Healthcare Sector 

These changes could deter potential applicants, particularly those looking to work in the UK’s care sector. The prospect of working in the UK without their families for up to five years, before obtaining indefinite leave to remain, might be unappealing for many. This could lead to a reduction in the number of care worker applicants, exacerbating existing staff shortages in healthcare and care services.

Broader Economic and Social Effects 

The new immigration policies, while aimed at reducing net migration, overlook the critical contributions migrants make to the UK economy. Migrants not only fill vital job roles but also contribute financially through visa application fees, taxes, and everyday spending. The restrictions on students and healthcare workers, coupled with the higher financial thresholds for family and spouse visas, could have far-reaching consequences, potentially impacting the UK’s economic growth and social fabric.

Preparing for the New UK Immigration Rules – Strategies and Tips from Primus

Strategies for Individuals and Families With the imminent changes in UK immigration policy, individuals and families need to be proactive in understanding and adapting to these new rules.

Here are some strategies That Can Help:

  • Stay Informed: Keep up to date with the latest developments in immigration law and policy. Government websites, legal advisories, and news sources are valuable resources for current information.
  • Financial Planning: For those looking to sponsor a partner or family members, it’s essential to start planning financially to meet the heightened income requirements. Consider seeking financial advice to explore the best ways to meet these new thresholds.
  • Explore Legal Avenues: In cases where meeting the new financial requirements is challenging, it may be worth exploring human rights-based applications or other legal exceptions. Consulting with immigration lawyers can provide clarity on these options.
  • Document Preparation: Ensure all documentation is accurate and up to date. The new rules may require additional evidence or stricter scrutiny, so thorough preparation is key.

Tips for Businesses 

Businesses that rely on skilled workers from overseas will need to adjust their recruitment and sponsorship strategies.

Here are some tips:

  • Revaluate Recruitment Rules: With the increase in the salary threshold for skilled workers, businesses may need to reassess their recruitment policies and consider investing more in domestic talent.
  • Budgeting for Higher Costs: Prepare for the financial implications of sponsoring overseas workers under the new salary requirements. This might involve revising budgets and financial plans.
  • Compliance with New Rules: Ensure that all sponsorship activities align with the new policies to avoid legal complications and maintain a valid sponsor licence.
  • Consultation with Immigration Experts: It’s advisable for businesses to consult with immigration law experts to navigate these changes effectively and ensure compliance.

How Primus Solicitors Can Help.

In this changing landscape, the role of immigration experts becomes even more crucial.

We can provide:

  • Guidance on New Policies: Offer detailed explanations of how the new rules apply to specific situations.
  • Assistance with Applications: Help in preparing and submitting applications that comply with the new requirements.
  • Legal Representation: Represent individuals and businesses in appeals or human rights-based applications.
If Your in Need of Any Legal Assistance Regarding An Immigration Matter, Don’t Hesitate To Contact Our Expert Immigration Solicitors Today!


The new UK immigration policies present challenges and uncertainties for individuals, families, and businesses. However, by staying informed, preparing strategically, and seeking professional guidance, it’s possible to navigate these changes successfully. Whether you are planning to apply for a visa, sponsor a family member, or hire overseas talent, understanding and adapting to these new rules is key to achieving your goals in the UK’s evolving immigration landscape.