UK Further Leave to Remain | Understanding FLR 2023/24

further leave to remain


Further Leave to Remain (FLR) in the UK is a critical pathway for those looking to extend their stay. Understanding the nuances of FLR is vital for anyone who wishes to continue living in the UK under various circumstances. This article aims to break down the FLR process into clear steps, specifically focusing on FLR(M) for family members, FLR(LR) for non-family visas, and FLR(FP) for family or private life considerations.

Key Points for Further Leave to Remain 


FLR(M) For family members of British citizens or those settled in the UK; includes partners, spouses, and dependent children.
FLR(LR) For individuals on non-family visas like visitors, UK ancestry, domestic workers; extends stay under the same visa category.
FLR(FP) For extending stay based on family ties or private life; used in complex cases involving human rights considerations.
Eligibility Criteria Varies by category; includes relationship proof, financial stability, and in some cases, English language proficiency.
Required Documents Passport, relationship evidence, financial documents, English proficiency (for some), and specific documents based on visa type.
Processing Time & Fee Generally, ranges from 2-3 months; fees vary by category and complexity, with potential additional charges.
Why Choose Primus Solicitors Expertise in immigration law, personalised attention, high success rate, comprehensive support, and client-centric approach.

Understanding these options correctly is essential, as each FLR category caters to different needs and requirements.

further leave to remain (FLR) infographic

FLR(FP): Extending Stay on Basis of Family or Private Life

Purpose of FLR(FP) Form

FLR(FP) serves as a crucial pathway for individuals in the UK who wish to extend their stay on the basis of their family or private life. This category is particularly relevant for those whose situations do not fit neatly into other visa categories, including cases where there are human rights claims or other exceptional circumstances.

Eligibility Criteria

The FLR(FP) is designed for:

  • Individuals who have a family life in the UK as a partner, parent, or child.
  • Persons who have built a private life in the UK over a significant period.
  • Cases that may involve leave to remain outside the standard immigration rules.

Required Documents

Essential documents for Further Leave to Remain (FP) applications include:
  • Valid identification, such as a passport.
  • Evidence of family life in the UK, like marriage certificates, birth certificates for children, and proof of cohabitation.
  • Financial documentation to demonstrate the ability to support oneself and dependents.
  • Details of any criminal convictions and the circumstances around them.
  • Tuberculosis test results, if applicable.
  • Additional specific documents depending on the individual’s situation, such as proof of long-term residence in the UK for private life claims.

Processing Time and Application Fee

The processing time for FLR(FP) can vary widely, often taking 8-12 weeks. The fee for FLR(FP) applications is subject to change and can be considerable. Applicants should also account for potential additional charges, including the healthcare surcharge.

FLR(LR): Extending Stay for Non-Family Visas

Purpose of FLR(LR) Form

FLR(LR), or Further Leave to Remain (LR), is tailored for individuals in the UK on non-family visas who seek to extend their stay. This category encompasses a broad spectrum of visa types, including but not limited to Visitors, UK Spouse visa holders, and Skilled workers. The FLR(LR) form is instrumental for those who need to extend their stay for work, study, or other reasons aligned with their current visa conditions.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for Further Leave to Remain (LR) encompasses a variety of visa categories, each with its specific requirements. Common categories include:
  • Visitors who need to extend their stay for continuous medical treatment or other exceptional circumstances.
  • Individuals on UK Ancestry visas looking to extend their stay.
  • Domestic workers in private households.
  • Applicants under other visa categories that do not fall under family or private life extensions.

Required Documents

The document checklist for FLR(LR) varies based on the visa category but generally includes:
  • A valid passport or travel document.
  • Proof of continuous activity in the UK, such as employment records, study records, or evidence of ongoing medical treatment.
  • Financial evidence to demonstrate sufficient funds for the duration of the extended stay.
  • Criminal record certificates, if applicable.
  • English language proficiency evidence for certain visa categories.
  • Additional specific documents relevant to the applicant’s current visa category.

Further Leave to Remain Processing Time and Application Fee

Similarly, to the other two types of further leave to remain routes mentioned in this immigration guide, FLR(LR) applications typically take 2-3 months (8-12 weeks) for the full process to concur. Application fees for FLR(LR) vary depending on the specific visa category and should be checked in advance with your Primus Solicitors case worker, including any additional costs like the healthcare surcharge, biometric information fees, and any priority service fees.

FLR(M): Extending Stay for Family Members

Purpose of FLR(M) Form

The FLR(M) form plays a pivotal role for those living in the UK who seek to solidify their familial bonds legally and extend their residence. Primarily, it’s utilised by partners and family members of British citizens or those with settled status in the UK. This form is a key instrument in ensuring that families and partners can continue their lives together in the UK without the uncertainty of separation due to visa issues.

Eligibility Criteria for Further Leave to Remain Applications

To be eligible for FLR(M), applicants must fall into one of the following categories:
  • Partners (spouses, civil partners, fiancé(e)s, proposed civil partners) of British citizens or persons with settled status, including Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).
  • Children under 18 of a parent or parents who are British citizens or have settled status. This also includes children coming to the UK to be cared for by relatives.
  • Other family members, such as dependent adult relatives, under exceptional circumstances, particularly those needing long-term care.

FLR Required Documents

A strict list of documents is required to support FLR(M) applications, including but not limited to:
  • A current passport or other valid travel identification.
  • Evidence of relationship status, such as marriage certificates, civil partnership certificates, and evidence of living together for unmarried partners.
  • Financial documents demonstrating the ability to support oneself and dependents without recourse to public funds. This includes bank statements, salary slips, and employment contracts.
  • Proof of English language proficiency, such as certificates from approved test providers or evidence of an English-taught degree.
  • Details of accommodation in the UK, proving that there is adequate space for all family members.

Processing Time and FLR Application Fee

The processing time for FLR(M) applications generally ranges from 2-3 months, depending on the complexity of the case and the completeness of the application. The application fee for Further Leave to Remain (M) is subject to change and can be significant, so applicants should prepare accordingly. Additional charges may apply, such as the healthcare surcharge and fees for biometric information.

Differences between FLR(M), FLR(LR), FLR(FP)

Understanding the distinctions between each further leave to remain type: FLR(M), FLR(LR), and FLR(FP) and their respective application forms is crucial for applicants to ensure they choose the correct pathway for their visa extension. Each Further Leave to Remain form caters to different circumstances and requirements.

Key Differences Table

Further Leave to Remain Category Purpose Eligibility Criteria
FLR(M) For family members of British citizens – Partners, spouses, and dependent children of British citizens or those settled in the UK.
FLR(LR) For individuals on non-family visas – Individuals on non-family visa categories (e.g., visitors, UK ancestry, domestic workers) who need to extend their stay under the same visa category.
FLR(FP) For extending stay based on family ties or private life – Used in more complex cases that may involve human rights considerations or situations outside the standard rules.

Required Documents

While there are common documents required across all categories, such as valid passports and financial evidence, each category has its specific requirements:

  • FLR(M) demands proof of relationship and sometimes English language proficiency.
  • FLR(LR) requires evidence related to the specific visa category, like employment records for ancestry visas.
  • FLR(FP) often necessitates detailed documentation of family life in the UK or evidence supporting private life claims.

Processing Time and Application Fee

  • FLR(M) and FLR(FP) tend to have similar processing times and fees, but FLR(FP) can sometimes take longer due to the complexity of cases.
  • FLR(LR) processing times and fees vary greatly depending on the specific non-family visa category.

Why Choose Primus Solicitors

When facing the intricate process of applying for Further Leave to Remain (FLR) in the UK, it’s crucial to have expert legal advice and guidance.

Here are just a few reasons why we at Primus are the go-to immigration firm for further leave to remain cases:

  • Expertise in Immigration Law: Our team is deeply knowledgeable in all aspects of UK immigration law, ensuring that your FLR application is handled with professionalism and up-to-date legal expertise.
  • Personalised Attention: We understand that each case is unique. That’s why we offer personalised consultations to understand your specific situation and tailor our approach accordingly.
  • High Success Rate: Our history of successful FLR applications proves our commitment to FDLR cases and attention to detail to your specific circumstances.
  • Comprehensive Support: From document preparation to representing you in any legal proceedings, we provide end-to-end support throughout your further leave to remain application process.
  • Client-Centric Approach: At Primus Solicitors, our client’s needs and concerns are our top priority. We aim to make the complex process of immigration as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Choosing Primus Solicitors means choosing a legal partner who will break down the complexities of immigration law on your behalf, offering peace of mind and the best chance for a successful outcome. – Don’t Hesitate, Contact Our Expert Immigration Solicitors Today!


Selecting the correct Further Leave to Remain form is vital for a successful visa extension application in the UK. It’s essential to understand the specific requirements and nuances of each category to ensure a smooth application process. For detailed, Legal guidance on Your Further Leave to Remain Application Call Primus’ Immigration Team @ 0161 222 5860