UK FLR Visa Lawyers | Further Leave to Remain Advice

UK FLR lawyers

FLR Visa Introduction

The FLR (Further Leave to Remain) visa is crucial for individuals looking to extend their stay in the UK. This visa is primarily for those who already have permission to stay in the UK but need to extend their stay. It ensures that you can continue living in the UK without any legal complications.


Why Is Having an FLR Visa Important?

Understanding the FLR visa’s importance is key to appreciating why applying for the extension is necessary. FLR visas provide:

  • Continued Residency: They allow its holder to stay in the UK legally, the time spent under an FLR visa also contributes to an ILR application.
  • Stability: This type of visa also ensures that your life and plans in the UK can proceed without interruption by returning to your country of origin, before re-applying to enter the UK.


Key Points About FLR Visa


Aspect Details
Purpose To extend stay in the UK legally
Who Needs It Individuals whose current visa is about to expire
Benefits Legal residency, stability, and compliance


Application Process for an FLR Visa Application

Applying for an FLR visa involves several steps, and it’s essential to follow each one carefully to ensure your application is successful. Here’s a detailed guide on how to apply for an FLR visa.

  1. Determine Your Eligibility: Before you start your application, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria for an FLR visa. This includes your current visa status and your reasons for wanting to extend your stay in the UK.
  2. Prepare Your Documentation: Gather all necessary documents to support your application. This typically includes proof of identity, current visa status, financial statements, and any other documents relevant to your application category.
  3. Complete the Application Form: Fill out the FLR application form accurately. Any mistakes or omissions can result in delays or even a refusal of your application.
  4. Pay the Application Fee: Ensure you pay the correct fee for your application. The fee varies depending on the type of FLR visa you are applying for.
  5. Submit Your Biometrics: You will need to provide biometric information (fingerprints and a photograph) as part of your application process. This is usually done at a visa application centre.
  6. Submit Your Application: Once you have completed the form and gathered all required documents, submit your application. You can do this online or by mail, depending on the specific requirements for your visa type.


Tips for a Smooth Application Process

  • Double-Check Everything: Ensure all your information is accurate and that all the documents you intend to included in the application.
  • Stay Organised: Keep all your documents in one place and maintain a checklist to track your progress.


FLR Eligibility Criteria

Understanding the eligibility criteria for an FLR visa is essential to ensure that you meet all the requirements before applying. Here are the detailed requirements for eligibility.

General Eligibility Requirements

  1. Current Visa Status: You must hold a valid visa that allows for an extension. The most common categories include spouse or partner visas, family visas, and certain work visas.
  2. Residency Period: Depending on your visa type, you may need to have lived in the UK for a specified period. For example, those on a family visa might need to have resided in the UK for at least two years.
  3. Compliance with Immigration Rules: You must not have breached any immigration laws during your stay in the UK., this includes not overstaying your current visa.

Specific Categories for FLR Visas

  • FLR (M) Visa: For those applying based on their relationship with a British citizen or a settled person in the UK, the correct and appropriate application form to fill is the FLR M form. For this application you will need to provide evidence of your relationship and that you intend to continue living together.
  • FLR (FP) Visa: For those applying based on family life as a parent, partner, or on private life grounds. This includes those who have lived in the UK for a significant period or have children who have been in the UK for several years.

Key Requirements for Article 8 Applications

Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights protects your right to respect for private and family life. Applications made under Article 8 must demonstrate:

  • Long-Term Residency: For example, if you have lived in the UK for 20 years or more, either lawfully or unlawfully.
  • Children’s Residency: If you are a child who has lived in the UK for seven continuous years and are under 18 years old.
  • Family Ties: If you have a family member and have built a life in the UK.
  • Youth Residency: If you are aged between 18 and 25 and have spent at least half your life continuously living in the UK.
  • Exceptional Circumstances: For those over 18 who have lived in the UK for less than 20 years but have significant reasons to remain.

Required Documents You Will Need for FLR Applications.

Preparing the correct documentation is crucial for a successful FLR visa application. Here is a list of essential documents you will need and tips for preparing them.

Essential Documents for FLR Visa Application

  1. Passport: A valid passport or other travel document to prove your identity and nationality.
  2. Current Visa: Documentation of your current visa status.
  3. Proof of Relationship: For FLR (M) applications, you must provide evidence of your relationship with a British citizen or a person settled in the UK. This can include, but isn’t limited to:
    • Marriage or civil partnership certificate
    • Evidence of cohabitation together, such as utility bills or tenancy agreements
    • Photographs and communication records between the two parties
  4. Financial Statements: Proof of your financial situation to demonstrate that you can support yourself without recourse to public funds. This can include:
    • Bank statements
    • Pay slips
    • Employment contracts
  5. Accommodation Details: Evidence that you have adequate accommodation in the UK, such as a tenancy agreement or a letter from your landlord.
  6. English Language Requirement: Proof that you meet the English language requirement, if applicable. This might include:
    • English language test results
    • Academic qualifications that were taught in English
  7. Biometric Information: You will need to provide biometric information (fingerprints and a photograph).


FLR Documents Checklist 

Document Description
Passport Valid passport or travel document
Current Visa Proof of current visa status
Proof of Relationship Marriage certificate, cohabitation evidence, etc.
Financial Statements Bank statements, pay slips, employment contracts
Accommodation Details Tenancy agreement, landlord letter
English Language Requirement Test results, academic qualifications
Biometric Information Fingerprints and photograph


Common Mistakes to Avoid

Missing documents can lead to significant delays or even refusals of your FLR visa application. It’s essential to ensure that all the details provided are accurate and consistent across all your documents. Additionally, always use the most recent and valid versions of your documents to avoid any issues with outdated information. Incomplete documentation, incorrect information, and outdated documents are very common mistakes that applicants make and can cause Home Office time delays as well as straight refusals.

Getting a FLR Visa Approved

Getting your FLR visa approved requires attention to detail and adherence to the guidelines set by the UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services

The UK Immigration rules relating to FLR have strict guidelines, with even minor errors potentially leading to a to a refusal, resulting in wasted time and money. Some of the key points to consider include:

  • Accuracy: Ensure all of the information you provided is accurate and consistent.
  • Completeness: Submit all required documents and evidence.
  • Timeliness: Submit your application before your current visa expires.


Common Reasons for Refusal

Reason Explanation
Incomplete Application Missing documents or information
Inconsistent Information Discrepancies in the provided information
Insufficient Evidence Lack of adequate proof for relationship or financial stability
Late Submission Application submitted after current visa expiry

Services Offered by the Company

Our company provides comprehensive services to ensure a successful FLR visa application. 

  1. 7 Day Visa Turnaround Service: We offer the expedited services at an extra cost, for FLR visa applications, ensuring a quick and efficient process.
  2. Expert Guidance: Our experienced FLR visa lawyers guide you through every step, ensuring all guidelines are met and documentation is complete.
  3. Fixed Fee Pricing: We offer transparent, fixed fee pricing with no hidden surprises, providing you with peace of mind in your case.
  4. Continuous Customer Support: At Primus our FLR lawyers will support you from the start of the application up until you receive your FLR visa grant.


Why Choose Primus Solicitors?

  • Expertise: Our team has over 10 years of combined experience in handling FLR visa applications.
  • 5-Star Reviews: Our clients consistently rate us highly for our services and support.
  • Regulated by SRA: We adhere to the best practices and standards set by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

Client Testimonials

“Amazing soldiers Kashif and Shahida really friendly and so kind with them job , I recommend the people to visit them I’m so happy with them, I got what I wanted from them , l would like to say many thanks Syeda for your respect and welcoming from the reception so kind 🙏”



Contact Primus Solicitors Today

To discuss your FLR visa application and get a free assessment, call us today:

  • Office Phone Number: You can reach us anytime at 0161 222 5860.
  • Office Locations: Visit our offices in Manchester, London, Sheffield, Leeds, Bradford, Oldham, Blackburn, and Birmingham.
  • Online Assessment: Fill out our Easy Visa Eligibility Test on our website to see if you meet the requirements.

Taking the Next Steps Towards FLR with Primus

Taking the next steps towards your FLR visa application with our company is simple and straightforward. 

We are dedicated to making your FLR visa application process as smooth and successful as possible. To begin, we offer a 100% free initial case assessment to evaluate your case and provide expert advice oh how you can proceed.

  1. Contact Us for a Free Assessment: Our specialist immigration teams are ready to assist you. Call us at 0161 222 5860 for a no-obligation assessment.
  2. Online Eligibility Test: Fill out our Easy Visa Eligibility Test on our website, and we will call you back to discuss your results and next steps.
  3. Book an Appointment: If your ready to extend you visa in the UK, Schedule a consultation today. 

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