UK Spouse Visa Refusals Explained | 2024 Immigration Advice

spouse visa refusal


The UK government’s decision to increase the minimum income requirement for a Spouse Visa to £29,000, with plans for further increase it’s rates to £34,500 and eventually £38,700, has introduced new challenges for spouses aiming to live together in the UK. This change, effective from the 11th of April 2024, is expected to affect a significant portion of applicants, making this particular route more difficult to obtain prior to the changes. This subsequently means that the refusal rate for UK spouse visas will likely increase in corelation with the financial threshold raise.

In this article at Primus we aim to break down the UK spouse visa route as well as spouse visa refusal, and what applicants can do if their applications is refused by Home Office.

Understanding UK Spouse Visas & Their Refusals

A UK Spouse Visa allows non-UK residents married to or in a civil partnership with a UK citizen or someone with settled status to live in the UK. This visa is essential for spouses who wish to build their lives together in the UK, allowing them to work, study, and access public funds under certain conditions. The intent behind the Spouse Visa is to unite families and uphold the basic human right of family life (Article 8 of the ECHR

Common Examples of Spouse Visa Refusals

The Spouse Visa application process can be complex, it is governed by strict requirements and meticulous scrutiny of applications. Refusals do occur, often resulting from misunderstandings of the requirements or missteps in the application process. This complexity underscores the importance of thorough preparation and, when possible, professional guidance.

Main Reasons for Refusals

The two predominant reasons for Spouse Visa refusals are ineligibility and lack of sufficient evidence. Applicants might find themselves ineligible due to not meeting financial thresholds, failing to prove the genuineness of their relationship or other criteria. Furthermore, refusals often occur when the applicant fails to provided evidence that demonstrates the relationship’s authenticity or when documentation is missing, incomplete, or inconsistent.

Understanding these common reasons for spouse visa refusals is the first step towards a successful appeal or addressing a refusal. 

Reasons for Spouse Visa Refusal

The refusal of a UK Spouse Visa often comes down to two main categories: ineligibility and lack of evidence. Below are some of these reasons to better understand how they affect the outcome of an application.


  1. Financial Requirements Not Met: The recent increase to a minimum income requirement of £29,000 is a significant hurdle for many applicants. This requirement is set to rise further, making financial preparedness crucial.
  2. Genuine Relationship Requirement Not Proven: Applicants must convincingly demonstrate the authenticity of their relationship through various forms of evidence. Failure to do so can result in refusal.
  3. Other Eligibility Criteria Not Met: This can include issues with English language requirements, accommodation standards, or immigration status.

Lack of Evidence

  1. Insufficient Proof of Genuine Relationship: Adequate and convincing evidence must be provided to prove the relationship’s genuineness. This can include joint bank account statements, communication logs, and photos together.
  2. Missing or Incomplete Documents: Every required document must be submitted in the correct format and with the necessary details. Missing or incomplete documents can lead to a refusal.
  3. Inconsistent or Unclear Information: Any discrepancies or unclear information in the application can raise doubts about its authenticity, leading to refusal.

Understanding these reasons is essential for applicants facing a refusal or preparing to apply for a UK Spouse Visa

What to Do After a Spouse Visa Refusal

Facing a refusal of a UK Spouse Visa can be a difficult task to prepare without a proper understanding, especially as applicants may not always be granted the right to appeal, but it’s crucial to understand the options thar are available. Whether considering an appeal or preparing for reapplication, each path offers a chance to rectify the situation. Here’s what you need to know:

Appeal the Decision

  1. Eligibility for Appeal and Timeframe: Not all spouse visa refusals offer the right to appeal. It’s important to carefully read the refusal letter to understand if this option is available and note the timeframe within which an appeal must be lodged.
  2. Appeal Process Steps and Fees: The appeal process involves submitting a notice to the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), accompanied by the required fee. This process can vary in complexity and duration, depending on the specifics of the case.
  3. Potential Outcomes and Next Steps: An Immigration appeal can result in the original decision being overturned, the case being remitted for reconsideration, or the appeal being dismissed. If successful, the visa may be granted; if not, reapplying with a stronger application might be the next step.

Reapply for the Visa

  1. Assessing Reasons for Previous spouse visa refusal: It’s vital to understand the reasons behind the refusal to address them directly in a new application. This might involve gathering additional evidence or correcting errors.
  2. Strengthening the Application with Evidence: Ensure that the new application rectifies the shortcomings of the previous one, with comprehensive evidence to support the genuineness of the relationship and meet all other requirements.
  3. Seeking Professional Legal Advice: Consulting with immigration experts can provide invaluable insights into the application process, helping to avoid common pitfalls and strengthen the application.


How Primus Solicitors Can Help With Spouse Visa Refusal

Our Immigration Advice Services at Primus Solicitors offers specialist guidance and support for those facing UK Spouse Visa refusals. Our Team of expert immigration Solicitors at Primus can help with your immigration appeals, reapplications, and navigating the complexities of immigration law. For personalised advice and assistance, reaching out to IAS can be a crucial step towards achieving a successful outcome.



While a UK Spouse Visa refusal can be a significant setback, it’s not the end of the road. Understanding the reasons behind the refusal, exploring available options, and seeking professional advice are key steps in overcoming this hurdle. Whether through appealing the decision or preparing a more robust reapplication, the possibility of a positive outcome remains attainable with the right approach and support.

If you’re in need of professional legal advice regarding a Spouse Visa Refusal, Don’t hesitate to Contact our Expert Immigration Solicitors Today!

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