New UK Immigration Salary List 2024 | A Full Legal Guide

immigration salary list

UK Immigration Salary List 2024

The UK’s Skilled Worker route has had significant updates as of December 2023, with the aim of streamlining the process for employers and potential immigrants coming to the UK on the Skilled Worker Route. This route is specifically designed to facilitate the employment of non-UK residents in job roles where there is a genuine need for their skills within the UK workforce and economy.

Introduction to the Immigration Salary List (ISL)

The introduction of the new Immigration Salary List (ISL) is a key change in the UK’s immigration rules surrounding the skilled worker visa, as it has replaced the Shortage Occupation List (SOL). The ISL is in summary a specification of the occupations where a reduced general salary threshold can be applied, which aims to simplify the hiring process under the Skilled Worker route. This means that if an occupation code is on the given list new immigration salary list, applicants for the skilled worker visa may qualify for a lesser minimum salary requirement.

What is the Immigration Salary List?

The new Immigration Salary List outlines specific occupations that are eligible for a reduced salary threshold under the Skilled Worker visa. This list is crucial for employers aiming to recruit international labour as it directly influences the financial requirements needed to be met by applicants for their skilled worker visa application.

Differences Between the Shortage Occupation List & Immigration Salary List

Unlike the shortage occupation list, which focuses on sectors experiencing a shortage in their labour market. The ISL, however, is designed to support broader government priorities and industries, regardless of any shortage issues in the UK labour market.

Discounts On the Minimum  Salary Thresholds on the ISL

Occupations codes listed on the ISL are eligible for discounted salary thresholds. This means that for these specific roles and occupation, the general salary required to qualify under the Skilled Worker route is typically 80% of the usual minimum rate.

Each occupation has a ‘going rate, which must be met or exceeded regardless of the general salary threshold. This rate ensures that job salaries reflect the actual value and skill level of the specific occupation in the UK labour market.

Example of Salary Calculation

For example if an occupation with a standard salary of £30,000 was on the ISL instead, the employer might only need to pay £24,000 (80% of the standard requirement), provided that it still meets the occupation-specific threshold, which could be higher depending on the job’s market rate.

Benefits of the Immigration Salary List

The primary benefit of the ISL is allowing employers to recruit migrants at salaries below the standard, minimum threshold for non-listed occupations. This can be especially beneficial in the industry sectors where budget constraints would otherwise limit the ability to hire international labour.

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Immigration Salary List Guidance for Employers

One of the most important factors for employers regarding hiring international skilled workers to verify that the job role they are sponsoring is indeed listed on the Immigration Salary List. This confirmation should be part of the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) process, ensuring that they are compliant with all the skilled worker visa regulations.

Meeting Additional Criteria for Specific Occupations

Some occupations on the ISL have additional criteria and requirements that must be met. These could relate to professional qualifications such as degrees in a related field to the specific job role, years of experience, or specific skills that are essential for the role. Employers should be aware of and adhere to these additional requirements to avoid any complications in the application process, which could potentially lead to Home Office Time Delays.

Regional Variations and Part-time Positions

The ISL also accommodates for regional variations in salary thresholds and is also applicable to part-time positions. Salaries for part-time roles must be on a pro rata basis and accurate according to the hours they worked as this maintains the integrity of the compensation relative to full-time equivalents.

No Minimum Working Hour Requirement

Another advantage of the ISL is how it doesn’t include a minimum working hour requirement for listed occupation codes. This more flexible approach allows employers to offer positions that might not adhere to traditional full-time hour jobs but still meet the salary and skill requirements of the Skilled Worker route.

How to Choose the Correct Occupation Code

Selecting the correct Standard Occupational Classification code (SOC)  is crucial when sponsoring a foreign worker. An incorrect SOC code can lead to time delays or straight application refusals of visa applications. This as such, emphasises the need for preparation in this part of the application process.

Resources for Finding the Appropriate SOC Code

Employers can use tools such as the CASCOT occupation coding tool and resources from the Office for National Statistics to ensure they choose the right SOC code. These tools help match job descriptions and requirements with the correct codes, simplifying the compliance process.

Consequences of an Incorrect SOC Code Selection

Choosing the wrong SOC code can create discrepancies in the applicant’s application and in turn trigger compliance checks by the Home Office, potentially leading to a suspension of the sponsor licence. It is therefore imperative for employers to invest the necessary time and resources to get this aspect of the sponsorship right.

How Can Primus Solicitors Help With Skilled Worker Applications?

At Primus Solicitors our experts are here to guide you through every part of the application process, from choosing the right SOC code to ensuring your salary meets the necessary thresholds. Our immigration solicitors are specialists in all areas of UK immigration law and can provide tailored advice and assistance for may case you may have.

For personalised guidance and to address your  specific circumstances, instructing  our experienced immigration solicitors can help provide the clarity and direction that you need.


If You Need Any Assistance Or Legal Advice For Your Skilled Worker Visa, Appel Application, or the new Immigration Salary List, Contact Our Specialist UK Immigration Solicitors Today!
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